Sterilizzazione - Alfabios

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Sterilizzazione - Alfabios

Sterilizzazione - Alfabios


To eliminate microorganisms in the air

Air typically contains particles biologically active (Mainly contaminated by fungal spores and bacteria) from various sources and they tend to agglomerate in the atmospheric dust and with gravity settle on surfaces where, under certain environmental conditions, they can cause fungal or microbial infection.


The falling speed is proportional to the square of their radius (2 to 20 Ìm for spores and 1 to 10 Ìm for bacteria) and the particles remain suspended as long as their rate of fall is less than that of the air that keeps them in suspension.

The atmospheric concentration of fungal spores varies with weather conditions, the seasons and climate, and can vary from 10,000 to 20,000 cells / m 3 up to a few million.

Places where cultural heritage is preserved are particularly vulnerable to microbiological attack formations given that in these places the air is poorly reciprocated; the organic aerosol has also, in many cases, a dangerous consequence: High relative humidity levels that occur quite often in conservation environments.

The damage caused by fungus is, unfortunately, serious and irreversible, and intervention with disinfection (whichever method is used) does not solve the problem in a radical way, in particular if the environment conditions are not such as to prevent their proliferation.

It is also worth noting that a high concentration of spores in dust in the air can cause serious health problems to those persons who frequent those environments (asthma, allergies and dermatitis).

RGI has developed an innovative method which ensures the sites where printed material (libraries and archives) or objects made of wood and cloth (museums) are conserved become less vulnerable to attacks.

This device is called ?bios which sucks air from the environment and reduces the biological activity of the air composition by forcing it along a tortuous path during which it gets hit by high energy ultraviolet radiation (UV).

This treatment dramatically lowers the level of contamination in places frequented by people and even sterilizes the dust in the air when there is a presence of people.


(Code A-Bios 150)
Capacity: 150 cubic meters / hour of air
Power consumption: 140 Watts
Dimensions: mm. 300x400x1000
Weight: Approx 5 Kg
Lamp life hours: 8,000 to 10,000
Air Filter Duration: 700 to 1,000 hours depending on
the amount of dust in the ambient air.

(Code A-Bios 250)
Capacity: 250 cubic meters / hour of air
Power consumption: 195 Watts
Dimensions: mm. 300x400x1000
Weight: approximately 6 kg
Lamp life hours: 8,000 to 10,000
Air Filter duration: air 500 to 800 hours depending on the
amount of dust in the ambient air.


This catalyst converts ozone that may have been present transforming it into oxygen: after
this treatment the amount of ozone is less than 0,008 parts per million, lower than the
concentration of this gas in the atmosphere under normal conditions.


The energy consumption of machinery ?bios is proportional to the air volume per unit that you want to treat in a unit time (175 watts / hour to treat a flow of air of about 100 m3/hr and 70 watts / hour for a flow 40 m3/hr).

At the air intake of ?bios a filter is placed to capture most of the dust, whose presence could reduce the effectiveness of the sterilizer UV sources.

We recommend replacing the filter on a weekly basis to ensure constant maximum efficiency of the instrument.

During its operation ?bios determines a current of air that helps to keep the dust in suspension avoiding the filing; a well-ventilated environment will result in improved efficiency by ensuring that all air passes through the machine repeatedly.

Here are pictures of the results of tests carried out at the Laboratory of Plant Biology, University of La Sapienza of Rome.

Technical information
?bios will be assembled according to different models that are made depending on the volume of air you intend to purify and sterilize.

The smallest model is able to treat approximately: 100 m3/hr air
(The turnover however, varies with the level of clogging of the pre-filtering of incoming air).
Power 180 watts - 220 volts - 60 Hz - 35 dB.

The maximum model size, is capable of treating approximately: 200 m3/hr air.
Power 240 watts - 220 volts - 60 Hz - 45 dB.

Approximate size:
Size smaller: 1200 x 250 x 250mm
Maximum Size: 1200 x 400 x 250mm